fredag den 15. februar 2008

"All I wanted was a skateboard" + noice session!

Wauw manner det er lang tid siden der er sket noget her, hva?!? Det er fordi Dennis kun spiller "Kodyl Prygl" for tiden og jeg stoner bare as HELL!! Men forleden fik vi da hevet os selv væk fra skærmen og un på gaden. Vi tog til Holstebronx, for at få lidt i kassen til "Life of Brian"/"/7400 Brian" (vi ved ikke hvilket navn vi bruger). Det var sgu meget hyggeligt. Vi fik også lige lidt footy fra the streets of Herning. I morgen, Lørdag, kommer Dennis forhåbenligt til Herning, og så skal der skates street igen! Men tjek lige den her seje skater-sang jeg har fundet... Den kan MINK synge op i sin moders ansigt næste gang han får stegepander og sengebetræk i julegave. <*-*>.. ZIZ ZINER!

All I wanted was a skateboard, but all I got was...
All I wanted was a skateboard, but all I got was...
All I wanted was a skateboard, but all I got was...
All I wanted was a skateboard, but all I got was...
This stupid sweater
This stupid...

Every year Christmas comes and it goes
Shedding tears where no one even knows
It so hard to be good when you are poor
I don't need a lot, just a little more

All I wanted was a skateboard, but all I got was...
All I wanted was a skateboard, but all I got was...
All I wanted was a skateboard, but all I got was...
All I wanted was a skateboard, but all I got was...
This stupid sweater
This stupid...

Look around, everybody's got the goods
And I've been cheated and misunderstood
Santa's gone and messed up once again
I've been good, but I've still got nothing

All I wanted was a skateboard, but all I got was...
All I wanted was a skateboard, but all I got was...
All I wanted was a skateboard, but all I got was...
All I wanted was a skateboard, but all I got was...
This stupid sweater
This stupid sweater
This stupid...

I don't want your socks or shirts or ties
All I need is four wheels so I can ride
You can stick that sweater up your ass
Every time seems to be worse than the last

All I wanted was a skateboard, but all I got was...
All I wanted was a skateboard, but all I got was...
All I wanted was a skateboard, but all I got was...
All I wanted was a skateboard, but all I got was...
This stupid sweater
This stupid...
This stupid sweater
This stupid...


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